Cooperation Offer

Create and promote a tourist destination in connection with nature and water

Offer name: 
Create and promote a tourist destination in connection with nature and water
Expiry date: 
Offering LAG: 
Spoken languages:

Looking to cooperate with

Type of partner: 

We are looking for partners who offer a nature tourist destination / who are a bird-watching destination, or partners who wish to develop such a destination.

Type of area:
Assets of the area:

Project idea

Project type:
Project topic:
Additional keywords:

The LAG gathers 6 rural communities and is known as the “thousand ponds region”. It is a Natura 2000 area, and we aimed to be labelled as a RAMSAR site. Fish production is highly developed and highlighted with special events (Journées Poissons de Dombes : “Dombes fish days” with lots of activities about traditional fishing, local fish meals in restaurants, discovery of fish products like fish leather…) . Now we would like to expand the offer by promoting other natural resources.

Project idea summary: 

The LAG gathers 6 rural communities and is known as the “thousand ponds region”. The diversity of species and landscapes is a great opportunity to develop outdoor activities for locals and tourists, such as walking trail, bike path or birding trail.
We wish to promote local assets (like natural resources, local gastronomy, traditional fishing) by developing a tourist destination about nature and wildlife watching.


Proposed objectives: tourist diversification / Develop a tourism offer about local heritage, gastronomy and nature
Target group : tourists with an interest to outdoor activities and wildlife, birders
Intended actions :
- Marketing about target-groups
- Implement new activities: pedagogic nature walking path, guided tour with an ornithologist, tourist route for bikers, for birders, for horse riders, …
- Territorial branding
- Promotional event of local knowhow
- Best practices exchanges
- …