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Local craftsmanship - Fyrbøder II and III in Bornholm


A network of local craftsmen on the island of Bornholm in the "Fyrbøder" project was working to create relations and cooperation among local craftsmen and increase the awareness and visibility of crafts nationally and internationally.



In 2002 a group of craftsmen on the island of Bornholm created the "Arts & Crafts Association Bornholm", (ACAB). The 66 members of ACAB represent the following categories: pottery, glass, textile, metal and wood. The association was established in order to raise awareness about crafts and improve local businesses.


The main objectives were: i) raising the skills among the members through internal and public training courses on e.g. export and outsourced production; ii) promoting the craft products locally, nationally outside the island and on the international market; iii) increasing the number of members and consequently the handicraft businesses; and, iv) increasing the sales volume of handicraft and stimulating culture tourism.

Main activities

The main activities were to organise: i) meetings to discuss the activity plan; ii) training courses and study trips for skills acquisition in product development, IT outsourcing and increasing profits; iii) working groups responsible for activities to be implemented after the end of the project; iv) visits to and exhibitions both in Denmark and abroad (EE, SE, UK, HU); and, iv) thematic handicraft tourism linked to study trips.

Results & Benefits

The main results were: i) a website; ii) 10 exhibitions outside the island, 6 in UK, EE, HU and SE and 3 on the mainland (DK); iii) 14 training courses and seminars were held on fundraising and marketing, increased profitability, product development and generation of new ideas, IT for beginners, Adobe Photoshop and Indesign, seminars about outsourcing to China, Africa, Slovenia, Poland and selling at fairs;iv) the average income for the association members increased by 14,7% from 2008 to 2010

Lessons learnt

The professional network ACAB has shown great ability to cooperate nationally as well as internationally. In fact, the association has enabled local businesses to become more established and even grow locally, nationally and internationally thanks to awareness raising among and training of local craftsmen.

Project location and other information

The Bornholm island



RDP Territory


Total project cost (€)

238 575

EAFRD contribution (€)

57 964

National contribution (€)

57 964

Private contribution (€)

6 720

Other funding sources (€)

115 927

Project website

Contact name

Bente Hammer


+45 56 96 33 35

Languages for contact

English, Danish

At a glance



Final beneficiary type

Non-farm or non-forest entreprises

Budget range

€100 000 - €500 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Implementing the LEADER Approach
• Implementing local development strategies
• 413. Quality of life/diversification


Business planning, Leader, Trade, Training, Marketing

Last update
