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Banca dati dei progetti dei PSR

Supporting Innovation and Efficiency Through Relief Services in Italy


‘Maschinenring’ is an association involving over 5 000 farmers and foresters in the territory of Bolzano, Italy. It enables the exchange of agricultural machinery and labour between producers and also provides training services.


The Maschinenring association was set up in the year 2000. It was inspired by Austrian and German experience, where a network of services supporting farm and forest management has been developed. The association offers services to farmers and foresters, such as maintenance, thinning, timber-cutting and log skidding; and special activity packages for winter and summer. Services can be booked online. The system supports a more efficient use of machinery throughout the region.


The objective is to promote collaboration between farmers and forestry managers in order to promote: i) more cost-efficient use of machinery so that farmers do not have to buy expensive equipment; ii) the uptake of relief services to support other activities, including training; and iii) the greater use of innovative and modern equipment.

Main activities

The members of the association can benefit from relief services, e.g. by employing workers to do some work or to rent a machine. Members can also offer services and machinery to other members and/or external people. The association, which is the beneficiary of EAFRD funding, reimburses the costs sustained by both the members who benefit from and those who offer services. The association also offers advisory services in the use of machines and organises trainings.

Results & Benefits

Maschinenring is an efficient way to mechanise farming and forestry, as it reduces renewal cost and, through sharing, optimises machinery use. It contributes to farm income, reduces labour costs and improves work safety. Moreover, the labour offered by members and for which they are paid by the association, is not taxed.

Lessons learnt

The association drives collaboration and trust between producers in the area, which helps to reduce inefficient individualism and facilitates the use of relief services and needs assessment. The approach thus supports a more efficient use of machinery and an effective use of financial resources.

Project location and other information

Province of Bolzano. Districts of Pusteria, Bolzano, Valle Isarco / Wipptal, Burgraviato, Oltradige.



RDP Territory


Total project cost (€)

529 025

EAFRD contribution (€)

200 000

Contact name

Daniel Schatzer


+39 0471415180

Languages for contact

English, German, Italian

Document attachment

At a glance



Final beneficiary type

Individual farmers, Forester, Other

Budget range

> €500 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Competitiveness of Agriculture & Forestry
• Promoting knowledge and improving human potential
• 115. Setting up of management, relief and advisory services


Advisory service, Innovation, Competitiveness , Cooperation, Machinery

Last update
