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Banca dati dei progetti dei PSR

CULTrips Europe


The CULTrips partners aim to connect visitors with the lifestyle, history, art, architecture, religion(s) and other elements that shape people's way of life in a local area - thereby contributing to economic development and preservation of culture.




Local heritage comprises of a variety of cultural assets e.g. landscapes, buildings, rituals, traditional handicraft and art. Socio-cultural exchange and dialogue have evolved as methods of a new niche tourism, making local heritage accessible and establishing positive and interactive relationships between guests and local residents. Being an engaging, authentic experience involving participative learning, there is increasing demand for this kind of cultural, community-based and creative tourism

Common Objectives

The project aims to contribute to the realization and revaluation of local cultural identity and to promote cultural diversity as a unique strength of Europe. The project's common objectives are to: i) make use of the socio-cultural and touristic potential of Europe’s extensive and diverse cultural heritage and; ii) promote the exchange among people of different cultural background from rural areas not typically associated with tourism.

Main Joint Activities

Following an agreement on common key values (which set the basis for future CULTrips-products) each LAG hosts a 'pilot trip' to demonstrate its interpretation of the CULTrips approach. Visiting 'pioneers' from the partner LAGs will provide their feedback, thus contributing to the joint development of the CULTrips offer. The first pilot trip to Luxembourg comprised of three tours on the subjects of energy, nature, smugglers and of two workshops about the production of chairs from wood or willow.

Results and Transferability

As demonstrated by the Luxembourg pilot, CULTrips themes address different target groups. Remarkably the project empowers beneficiaries through promotion of local skills e.g. story tellers. Product development may also include the adaptation of already existing offers. Once the marketing strategy is completed, CULTrips activities will become a distinct tourism product line in the participating LAG areas. In addition, the project intends to publish a manual for use by other interested regions.

Lessons learnt

The pilot trip showed that application of CULTrips key values (e.g. interactive, joint learning; understanding culture; story telling; contact with locals) to different tourism offers represents a challenge. The partnership addressed the issue by ensuring that pilot trip participants represent the target groups of the proposed activities. Future pilot trips may also involve an external observer to support the development of the marketing concept.

Project location and other information

LAG Redange-Wiltz, in Eschdorf small town in norht-western Luxembourg. LAG Oststeirisches Kernland, Mühlviertel region, Austria LAG Urfahr-West, Austria LAG Raplaama, Kesk region, Estonia LAG Karhuseutu, Finland LAG Joensuu, North Karelia, Eastern Finland LAG Valle Umbra e Sibillini, Umbria region, Italy

Total project cost (€)

718 608

EAFRD contribution (€)

517 564

National contribution (€)

196 806

Private contribution (€)

4 237

Project website

Contact name

Fons Jacques



+352 89 95 68 1

Languages for contact

English, French, German

At a glance


Luxembourg, Italy, Finland, Estonia, Austria

Number of Partners


Final beneficiary type


Budget range

> €500 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Implementing the LEADER Approach
• Co-operation projects
• 421. Implementing co-operation projects


Rural tourism, Cultural heritage, Leader, Tourism, Education

Last update
