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Datenbank der Projekte zur ländlichen Entwicklung

Youth Centre "De Rots"


The commitments of youngsters and their willingness to cooperate with other organisations as well as the support from the local population and the LAG of Flevoland made the realisation of the youth centre happen.



In the village of Urk there was a desire by youngsters to have a new youth centre. The coffee bar, an important meeting place in the village, was declared dangerous and was consequently shut down. The youth association of the village and the JOW foundation, which also supports youth, decided to cooperate and applied to the LAG Flevoland for funding. They joined forces and together, thanks to voluntary donations from people in the village, restructured a building into the "De Rots" youth centre.


The main objective of the project was to find a suitable place where to set up a youth centre, in order to allow young people of the village to have a meeting point, which could also stimulate the cooperation with other young people and cultural organisations in Urk.

Main activities

The main activities of the project were the purchase of an old building, achieved mainly thanks to voluntary financial donations and the renovation and decoration of it.

Results & Benefits

The main result of the project was the new "De Rots" youth centre. The project contributed to increasing cooperation and understanding between the village inhabitants and different youth and cultural organisations. The commitment of local people was crucial for the realisation of the project, both from a financial and an organisational point of view. A substantial part of the finance was donated, which recognised the importance of the project and participated in its realisation.

Lessons learnt

High level of commitment and willingness to cooperate were key factors for preparing and submitting a successful application. The demonstration of the economic viability of the project and its capacity to generate sufficient income on a regular basis was the main problem to be solved. In general the difficulty in respecting all the administrative rules to get support from the RDP through LEADER funding was underlined.

Project location and other information

Village of Urk, province of Flevoland



RDP Territory


Total project cost (€)

945 955

EAFRD contribution (€)

280 250

National contribution (€)

280 250

Private contribution (€)

385 455

Contact name

Pieter Brands


+31 6 43413582

Languages for contact

English, German, Dutch

At a glance



Budget range

> €500 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Implementing the LEADER Approach
• Implementing local development strategies
• 413. Quality of life/diversification


Quality of life, Social inclusion, Cooperation, Leader, Young people

Last update
