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Portuguese forest environment project protects rare birds and creates business opportunities


An innovative EAFRD delivery mechanism in Portugal is being used to provide packages of integrated RDP support focused on supporting the conservation status of species in Natura 2000 sites.



Integrated Territorial Interventions (ITI) are unique zonal RDP schemes for nine Natura 2000 areas in Portugal. Each area has its own ITI with a particular mix of integrated axis 2 and 3 measures matched to specific local needs, within the common aim of promoting agricultural and forestry systems to achieve biodiversity conservation and landscape maintenance in the Natura 2000 area.


In the case of the Tejo Internacional ITI, its aim is to use axis 2 &3 funds in combinations to (inter alia):conserve the basic ecological structure, and maintain non-irrigated cereal-fallow rotations, with direct drilling of cereals; renaturalise forest areas, maintain groves of native trees and shrubs and conserve ecological corridors; protect regeneration processes; operate partnerships approaches to management/implementation of ITI objectives

Main activities

The farm Herdade do Fervedouro illustrates the type of individual project supported by the Tejo Internacional ITI. The property has more than 200 ha of oak, and the management of 50 ha of this is being supported by annual forest-environment payments, to maintain groves of native trees and shrubs (including notable or relict specimens) and conserve the network of ecological corridors. The farm will also apply for non-productive investment support for deer fencing to protect natural regeneration.

Results & Benefits

Once fully implemented, it is expected that the project on Herdade do Fervedouro and the other ITI projects will: maintain extensive grazing systems and traditional forestry practices, reducing the risk of land abandonment and other changes which may lead to biodiversity loss; conserve the high nature value oak groves and croplands that heavily depend on the continuation of specific agroforestry systems and practices; preserve important landscapes features; and increase Natura bird populations

Lessons learnt

The most important lesson has been the vital role of the Local Support Structure (LSS) in boosting local implementation of agri-forest-environment measures. The mix of complementary skills and expertise that five organisations contributed to the LSS has had a significant leverage effect on its effectiveness. The target population responded very positively, immediately showing their appreciation of a structure that provides monitoring and support.

Project location and other information

Castelo Branco, Idanha-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão



RDP Territory


Total project cost (€)

25 000

EAFRD contribution (€)

20 000

National contribution (€)


Contact name

Estrutura Local de Apoio da Intervenção Territorial Integrada do Tejo Internacional


+ 351 272 348 600

Languages for contact

English, Portuguese

At a glance



Final beneficiary type

Individual farmers

Budget range

< €20 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Environment and Sustainable Resource Management
• Sustainable use of forestry land
• 225. Forest-environment payments


Forest ecosystem, Public-private-partnership, Biodiversity, Land use planning, Natura 2000

Last update
