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Datenbank der Projekte zur ländlichen Entwicklung

Reinvigorating Communities In The Highlands Through Village Halls Renewal


This is a training and employability project that stems from the need to repair and upgrade old village halls in the Argyll and Bute Council area. It combined physical improvements with capacity building and employability support to local unemployed.


The project responds to an identified need for repairs and redecoration of village halls throughout the West Highland area. These improvements are necessary due to the ageing of voluntary committees and their meeting halls, the lack of sufficient funds for maintenance and upgrade, volunteer fatigue, rising bills and shortage of trades people. These issues mean that disrepair threatens the functionality of many halls in Argyll and Bute as popular and effective community venues.


The aim is to address issues related to a range of repairs required and linking this to skills training. To this end, the West Highland Housing Association entered into partnership with Argyll and Bute Council Employability Team to deliver this training and employability project for upgrading village halls.

Main activities

The project has carried out the necessary repairs to village halls throughout the area and provided training for the contracted workers. The tasks have included: painting and decorating, door replacements, access improvements, renovation and improvement of worn workshops, step replacements and improvements in energy infrastructure in order to address the issue of costly heating bills.

Results & Benefits

Enhancement of 26 Village Halls across Argyll and Bute, thereby helping increase the attractiveness and sustainability of community hubs. The project also supported 27 voluntary Hall Committees in their own efforts to care for hall premises. In addition to physical improvements the project enabled participating halls to reduce fuel and lighting bills. Further outcomes include support to 18 local unemployed who were able to improve their skills and build work history and expertise.

Lessons learnt

Building on past experience (e.g. in the context of a training and employability project within Leader) contributed to better design and development of the current project in accordance with real local needs. The combination of community buildings upgrades with capacity and skills development of the voluntary committees that run the halls is a key success factor for improving quality of life in rural areas.

Project location and other information

Argyll and the Islands



RDP Territory


Total project cost (€)


EAFRD contribution (€)


National contribution (€)


Contact name

Lesley McInnes


+44 1631 566 451

Languages for contact


At a glance


United Kingdom

Final beneficiary type


Budget range

€100 000 - €500 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Rural Quality of Life & Economic Diversification
• Improving quality of life in rural areas
• 322. Village renewal and development


Quality of life, Capacity building, Infrastructure, Skills acquisition, Leader

Last update
