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Datenbank der Projekte zur ländlichen Entwicklung

Jena-Saale-Holzland – A Bio-Energy Region


This bio-energy Leader project aims to increase the percentage of bio-energy from 15 - 30% in the region. Alongside energy saving measures, PR and educational initiatives include building a sustainable bio-energy centre to raise awareness.



In 2000, when applying for LEADER+ support, local groups and individuals started promoting sustainable development in the region’s rural areas. Future energy supply was a key issue and the potential benefits of bioenergy production for the agricultural community were recognised. In 2009 the Saale-Holzland RAG was one of 25 regions to win a Federal Bio-energy competition, and installed a dual function network that uses existing resources.


The objective was to promote local bio and renewable energy production alongside the existing network, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. The aim was to raise the local share of electricity and heating from around 15% to 30% by 2020, with an increase in the agricultural biomass share to 75%. Apart from the financial benefits, this would enable some local waste recycling plants to be closed.

Main activities

Activities of this Leader project include: i) Education and PR to strengthen the Players Network and educate the local population; ii) a bio-energy centre to combine activities and conceive new ideas; iii) professional-technical consultancy to optimise existing heating systems and increase crop diversity, and; iv) the creation of the Schloben ‘show village’ to demonstrate bio-energy concepts and the potential of straw as a renewable fuel.

Results & Benefits

Collaboration between the actors involved has increased, a climate protection week was held in 2010, youth and childhood training schemes have been introduced, the use of biogas in two existing heating systems has been improved, a bio-energy village has been set up to promote the concept and establish a heating network and biogas system and finally research has been conducted into using residues such as ash for fertiliser, CO2 for greenhouses, and realising the potential of forests.

Lessons learnt

Sustainability requires collaboration between a wide range of actors and local participants; networking is not easy and requires continual activation and co-ordination. Furthermore, it takes time to build trust but creating win-win situations can helps. €187M is spent annually in the region on heating and electricity. Most of that money leaves the region, but local bio-energy supply could mean part of this is retained and costs can be reduced.

Project location and other information

Germany, Deutschland-Thüringen. Located in the central part of Germany.



RDP Territory


Total project cost (€)

500 000

EAFRD contribution (€)

22 000

National contribution (€)

400 000

Private contribution (€)

78 000

Contact name

Ronny Killan & Thomas Winkelmann


+49 36693 23 09 -45 oder -44

Languages for contact

English, German

At a glance



Final beneficiary type

Individual farmers, Public/local authorities

Budget range

€100 000 - €500 000

Start date:


End Date:


Theme / Measure:

• Implementing the LEADER Approach
• Implementing local development strategies
• 413. Quality of life/diversification


Advisory service, Agri-environment, Bioenergy, Education, Energy efficiency

Last update
