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Angaben zu den LAG:

Brezovo, 25 G.Dimitrov str.,fl.4
Radnjo Manolov
There are two administrative units within the territory of this LAG - Brezovo Municipality and Bratya Daskalovi Municipality. Brezovo Municipality is part of Plovdiv district and South Central planning region, while Bratya Daskalovi Municipality is part of Stara Zagora district and South East Planning Region. Urban population is 12.18%, and rural citizens are - 87.82% from the overall population living within the LAG. The ratio of urban - rural population differs significantly in comparison with the data for Bulgaria: the national rural population is 27.12% and the urban - 74.12%; The urban population of Plovdiv District is 74.18%, and rural population - 25.82% and in Stara Zagora District the ratio urban - rural is 70.83% and 29.17% .
947,807 km2
Brezovo municipality (Plovdiv district) and Bratya Daskalovi municipality (Stara Zagora district). Brezovo municipality includes – the town of Brezovo, village of Babek, village of Borets, village of Varben, village of Drangovo, village of Zelenikovo, village of Zlatosel, village of Kirilovo, village of Padarsko, village of Rozovets, village of Svezhen, village of Streltsi, village of Sarnegor, village of Turkmen, village of Chehlare and village of Choba. Bratya Daskalovi municipality includes – village of Bratya Daskalovi, village of Veren, village of Golyam dol, village of Gorno Belevo, village of Gorno Novo selo, village of Granit, village of Dolno Novo selo, village of Kolyo Marinovo, village of Malko Dryanovo, village of Malak dol, village of Markovo, village of Medovo, village of Mirovo, village of Naydenovo, village of Opalchenets, village of Orizovo, village of Partizanin, village of Plodovitovo, village of Pravoslav, village of Slavyanin, village of Saedinenie, village of Sarnevets and village of Cherna gora.
15 472 inhabitants
3 848 073,44 BGN