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Informazioni su offerte di cooperazione


LEADER 2012_Mobility and collective transport
- Identify exemplary projects in Europe - Raise awareness of elected representatives and of target groups (operators, technicians, project promoters...), develop prospective methodology on the theme of multimodal transport (able to coordinate several types of transport) and intermodal (able to coordinate between different geographic areas: urban & rural, coastal & inland). The possible areas for cooperation: Experiment together collective transport schemes for home-work journeys, leisure and innovative services issues, common awareness raising of target groups…
The objective of the Pays de Vannes is to work for an harmonious local development by promoting complementarities and solidarity between rural and urban areas and between the coast and the hinterland. A working group has been created using the Leader programme which brings together the local communities of the territory and the General Council of Morbihan. the Pays de Vannes is very attractive and presents a high population growth. In this context, mobility is at the heart of strategies. Several actions have been launched across the communities of municipalities (shuttle boat, social garage, transport on demand ...) and several actions are being defined (mobility platform ...). Transport raises the question of new organization territorial strategies.
The territory would like to learn about innovations undertaken elsewhere on this theme and explore the issue further (i.e: home-work journey, leisure and tourism transport, service related transport…).
French or European partners
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia

 Se siete interessati a quest'offerta, contattate: Pays de Vannes - ANNE-CÉCILE BELLAZREG