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LEADER 2012 A garden for everyone in rural area (especially gardens in terraces, on the slope, walled gardens, allotments in or near villages)
Regarding to demographic growing and social development, more and more inhabitants of Monts d’Ardèche are looking forward a place to make their own or shared gardens. In this context, the LAG of Monts d’Ardèche believes it is necessary to make possible for everyone to cultivate a garden in an objective of sustainable development: self-production, biodiversity (seeds, water,…), a place to be and enjoy (meetings, solidarity, dream, art and culture), and at least also a place to reinvent cultural heritage knowledge for tomorrow.
LAG target priority : maintaining and welcoming an active population The natural park of Monts d’Ardèche (the sponsor structure of the LAG) is engaged in several projects regarding gardens (“welcoming nature in the garden”; 2013-2025: a territory without pesticides…). The LAG Monts d’Ardèche has decided to engaged a transnational cooperation project above gardens, considering the great number of links with its target priority: “live and create in Monts d’Ardèche”.
A garden for everyone to : • Self-produce • Respect environment • Dream, learn and meet artistical forms • Reinvent cultural heritage knowledge for tomorrow Target group : young people, inhabitants and new inhabitants Activities : • Analyze, compare and share typicality of several gardens in different countries (access to land, seeds variety, genetically modified organisms, amenity, well-being, practices, cultural heritage knowledge, …)… • Find the solutions to develop the types of gardens in the territories concerned by the transnational cooperation project
LAG and natural parks : • in southern Europe : Mediterranean climate, dryness, slope, terraces… • in eastern Europe
English, French
Nature/environment/land management, Demography, social issues

 Se siete interessati a quest'offerta, contattate: Parc naturel régional des Monts d'Ardèche - ELISA JAFFRENNOU