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Informazioni su offerte di cooperazione


Through this project, in areas declared Biosphere Reserves or are working for this statement, are intended to recover the periurban agricultural areas and the development of a "local agriculture" quality urban environment addressed to immediately. The recovery of these spaces will consider organic agriculture as the production model, and the recovery and conservation of biodiversity or genetic cultivated plant, as well as marketing through short channels.
Biosphere Reserves are territorial laboratories to advance sustainable development and improving the quality of life of local people, serving their experience rather than demonstrative for other territories. In this sense, should facilitate the reorientation of agricultural and food system, which currently depends heavily on fossil fuels, both for production and distribution or marketing. We ensure the production of healthier food, friendly environment and recover the spaces that have traditionally been dedicated to the production of these foods in the suburban areas. It is, in local communities greater control over their eating and associated production processes.
The objectives of this project, it should be noted: The recovery of periurban agricultural areas. The recovery and conservation of plant genetic agricultural interest. Progress in the agri-food marketing through short channels. Create new opportunities for healthier eating and responsible. Improve cooperation between urban and rural areas. Among the proposed activities, noted: Identify the periurban agricultural areas with land suitability through GIS methodology, and develop proposals for preservation through the municipal planning. Identify local varieties of agricultural interest, which may lead to demonstration fields, through collaboration with genebanks. Develop technical training in organic farming and marketing through short circuits.
Partners who are located in Biosphere Reserves of UNESCO or in areas that are working on your return.
Agriculture, Nature/environment/land management

 Se siete interessati a quest'offerta, contattate: Asociación de Desenvolvemento Rural - JORGE BLANCO