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Details zum Kooperationsangebot


«Youth, resources of territories»
The Pays Vallée de la Sarthe wants to work with other rural territories which are facing same issues around youth (11-18 years old), also called “teenagers”, with the aim to consider young people as resource/wealth and not only as a problem/burden. That supposes to see them through their diversity and integrate them via a policy and appropriate measures. More concretely, the Pays Vallée de la Sarthe proposes a shared organization of pictures and/or videos award, aimed to young people, on a theme that involves them and can be useful for all territory.
Located in the Pays de la Loire region, the Pays de la Vallée de Sarthe gathers 5 grouping of communes. It is about 74 000 inhabitants. Predominantly rural, the Pays de la Vallée de la Sarthe deals also with the young population : about 25% of the total population is under 20 years old (youth index is 1.37). Moreover, in Vallée de la Sarthe, Leader programme fosters and supports innovative projects that match with this thematic: “A living Pays, share, preserve, improve the hosting of new inhabitants/newcomers and enhance the area’s identity”. Identified as one of the target population categories for this programming, a study on young public (11-18 years old) was realized in 2012, at the Pays de la Vallée de la Sarthe’s scale. After that inventory, a "youth" commission had been created.
Actions are focused on 3 kind of public links to youth issues: young people as themselves, local election of people and professionals (managers, institutions, associations, etc), and the interface between the first two. The Pays Vallée de la Sarthe’s ambition, via its Youth commission, is to mobilize them, create connections between them and coordinate them. Mainly, actions that can be implemented are: 1°Exchange and share experiences / practices between professionals and young people 2°Exchange and share experiences / policies between elective people about youth issue 3° Exchange and share life experiences between young people 4°Create communication tools 5°Elaborate and sign a partnership between all stakeholders
LAG from United-Kingdom, Irland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Poland, …
Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, France
Spanish, English, French
Community development, Culture, Leisure, New technologies and know-how, Demography, social issues

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