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Details zum Kooperationsangebot


Marketing and promotion of rural villages in the Marche inner areas
As a result of the studies lead within Leader+ Initiative (census of the villages, the urban-planning analysis of 10 case studies, the setting of an economic model for the recovery and the valorization) we agree to give rise to a promoting and marketing action at national and international level, aimed to make grow the interest around this heritage and to stimulate coherent investments with the model and the identified criteria.
Existing partnership with GAL Colli Esini San Vicino, GAL Sibilla, GAL Montefeltro, GAL Flaminia Cesano, GAL Piceno
The project aims to strengthen the tourist offer of the rural areas, by valorizing the system of the small historical villages. It constitutes the historical territorial armor of many rural and mountains areas, representing a peculiarity and a heritage of exceptional value (environmental, landscape, historical, architectonic) that because of its abandonment it takes a concrete chance of progressive, but quick, disappearing.
LAGs in Europe. LAGs intrested in this project please contact: GAL Colli Esini San Vicino Ing. Luca Piermattei – Direttore tecnico Tel. +39-733-611141 E-mail: l.piermattei@piermattei.org; info@colliesini.it Web site: www.colliesini.it
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
English, Italian

 Bei Interesse an diesem Angebot wenden Sie sich bitte an: Colli Esini - LAG MANAGER