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Seminars and Conferences

LEADER Event 2012: Local Development Strategies and Co-operation
Brussels, Belgium - 27-28 April 2012

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Brief Summary

Following on from the successful event for ‘new’ LAGs in January 2011, the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) organized the “LEADER Event 2012: Local Development Strategies and Cooperation” in Brussels on 27-28 April 2012.

The event brought together around 400 participants – including representatives of over 250 LAGs - to share their experiences, explore further co-operation and take a first look at the possible future of LEADER.

The overall focus of the event was upon three themes: improving the quality of the implementation of local development strategies; integrating co-operation as a key component of local development strategies, and; encouraging a new wave of transnational cooperation (TNC) projects. The format of the event was active and participatory with the aim of encouraging maximum interaction between participants.

On these pages you will find the documents and resources that were available to participants as background for the main topics of discussion, as well as the programme and main outcomes from the event.

For photographs of the event see here

For a video about the event made by the French National Rural Network, click here (in french)