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Rural Development Policy Overview

Programme Implementation

It is primarily the responsibility of the Member State Managing Authorities (MAs) to implement the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs). Some Members States have a single RDP, others a number of regional RDPs. All the RDPs are based on the same framework of four axes and menu of mesures. To read more about the axes and measures click here.

Access by beneficiaries to the funds allocated to individual measures is in all cases determined by eligibility criteria. For example, location and/or size of farm, land use, etc. For many measures, selection criteria are also defined. The operation of the eligibility and selection criteria are an important element allowing for targeting of the EAFRD funds in order to meet the objectives of the RDPs.

In most cases, potential beneficiaries apply for funding related to one or more specific measures. These applications are then assessed and, if successful, beneficiaries enjoy EAFRD support, in line with the terms of an agreement with the relevant authority. The exact delivery mechanisms applied differ from Member State to Member State and from measure to measure.

More information on Implementation

The analytical work of the ENRD focuses on understanding better the implementation of the RDPs in order to inform improvements.

For more information on individual topics click here.

For more information on horizontal implementation issues and topics click here.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) provides a single framework for monitoring and evaluation of all rural development interventions for the programming period 2007-2013. The CMEF establishes a basis for improving programmes performance, ensuring the accountability of programmes and allowing an assessment of the achievement of established objectives. The CMEF is defined in a series of documents drawn up by the Commission and agreed by Member States.

More information on the CMEF can be accessed through the following link:

Monitoring Implementation Progress

In every Member State the Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee monitor each RDP by means of financial, output and results indicators.

Each Managing Authority sends the Commission, by June 30th, an Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the Programme. The Annual Progress Reports include:

  • A table showing the financial implementation of the Programme, providing for each measure a statement of the funds paid to beneficiaries during the calendar year
  • Monitoring tables which include quantitative information based on common output and results indicators.

The Commission records all monitoring data within a Rural Development Information System (RDIS).

The ENRD contributes to validating the monitoring indicators and produces Info sheets which provide snapshots of how implementation is progressing in each Member State and RDP and for most individual measures. For more information on how the RDP implementation is progressing click here.

Financial and physical indicators at EU27 and MS level

Outputs indicators per measure at EU27 level


For more information on evaluation and the CMEF in general, see the website of the European Evaluation Network.