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Detalles de la oferta de cooperación


LEADER 2012_Young people, ambassadors of their territory.
The project's idea is to strenghten the young's feeling of belonging to their rural territory. Thanks to exchanges with other European countries and experiences sharing around the territory's resources, we expect to increase young people awareness of advantages of their region and hope that one day, they could come back to work there.
For six years now, coordinators of leisure centre of Pays Landes de Gascogne work together and try to innovate in activities for young people. Thus, “Les Rencontres des Jeunes des Landes de Gascogne” are born, and each summer a new project comes up around different topics : sustainable development, new technologies... Today, the coordinators want to go further, that's why they answer positively to the cooperation's offer of Pays Centre Ouest Bretagne.
Exchange camps for young people. Different actions around two topics :  Actual music  Sport Nature Environment
France (LAG Centre Ouest Bretagne) Poland (LAG Związek Stowarzyszeń na Rzecz Rozwoju Gmin Północnego Obszaru Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich)
Poland, France

 Si está interesado en esta oferta, contáctenos: Pays des Landes de Gascogne - JULIETTE BROUAT