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Detalles de la oferta de cooperación


Eco mobility and accessibility to services in rural areas
Promote ‘soft’ local transport (TR), adapt/combine existing TR modes, testing new ones; Extend/organise TR opportunities to targeted groups; Set up funding mechanisms for disadvantaged groups to cover TR cost to basic services (health etc); Assess/consolidate ruling initiatives; Foresee the demand of TR in planning development of local services; Consolidate, set up local PPP to deliver TR services, set up networks among local stakeholders; Combine accessibility to services/of people.
The area is a multifaceted, large rural & mountain area with specific natural, social & economic features. Its development strategy, labelled as “a moving eco territory”, gives priority to improving quality of life via the consolidation of services to people, particularly enhancing accessibility & mobility. As an area of transition, our region benefits from various communications along the valleys, but the networks show unequal delivery points & many gaps.
The actions to be undertaken will aim at acting both on the mobility of people and the mobility and flexibility of services (gathering service delivering units, mobile services, one-stop-shops) and their ITC-based delivery.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Community development

 Si está interesado en esta oferta, contáctenos: Pays Sisteronais-Buech - JP MARTINOD