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Detalles de la oferta de cooperación


LEADER 2012_Development and promotion of a cultural and historical heritage linked to flax: « le lin dans tous ses états » (flax in all shapes: from the production to the touristic promotion
To make people discover the flax and its various uses through ICT, exhibitions and know-how transmissions. The aim is: - Development of tourism economy through the increase in the frequentation of touristic attractions. - Description of the “flax culture” through the use of the NTCI; -Sensibilization of the population to flax. The aim is to create a cultural and economic dynamic between territories in order to: - Organize real exchanges between nonprofit organizations actors, touristic actors, local representatives, etc.. -Promote destination -Promote engaged transnational actions
The project aims at making the area's long flax story better known so it doesn't get forgotten. One of the objective is to make flax become part of the area’s economy again, as it was about 250 years ago.The objective of the project is to reinforce mutual knowledge on touristic engineering (communication, etc.) by reating training program and exchanging experiences. To reinforce communication/promotion for intnernational tourism (by creating a communication plan).
The project seeks to communicate about flax & make it known by the population, strengthen touristic engineering skills in terms of communication through: training courses; common actions; share of experiences; elaboration of a promotion-communication plan. This will enable to better communicate & cooperate between the different stakeholders, partners involved in flax production or flax promotion (associations, touristic services providers etc.)& to develop the area as a new touristic destination. Economical impacts of flax must also be taken into consideration: what future for flax? Expected results: -Promote flax : this material took parto to the territory's wealth 250 years ago - To develop touristic economy - To present the " Flax culture" through ITC
All EU with preference of Baltic Countries)
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
English, French
Culture, New technologies and know-how, Tourism

 Si está interesado en esta oferta, contáctenos: Pays de Guingamp - FRANCK LE PROVOST