Cooperation Offer

Cooperation with Fisheries Local Action Groups, particularly in the fisheries sector

Offer name: 
Cooperation with Fisheries Local Action Groups, particularly in the fisheries sector
Expiry date: 
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Project idea

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FLAG Pojezierze Dobiegniewskie is composed of seven communes, rural-urban and rural. The professionally diverse population of FLAG counts over 70 thousand. The Association implemented and worked for the local community in the 2007-2013 period, financed by the European Fisheries Fund. During the implementation of operational program 2007-2013 the beneficiaries have proven that they can successfully reach for EU support and use it to expand and modernize their businesses. The utilization rate of FLAG was 99%, proving successful performance and success. Current legislation has changed the scope of the activities that our applicants can apply for. Same the FLAG wants to introduce its members with good practice in order to implement it in our area.

Project idea summary: 

applicants on FLAG projects. In order to properly fulfill its core mission, the FLAG should provide support to FLAG members who will in the future be beneficiaries of support from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to learn about good practices. Areas of interest for our FLAG are, in particular, innovative activities, which in our society should show new solutions to entrepreneurship. The application of new fishing industry techniques or the use of innovative solutions in tourism services should significantly benefit the local community. The second important issue for ours FLAG area is the development of tourism using the cultural heritage of the region. There are 16 nature reserves, national parks, over 60% of the lands in the FLAG, and cultural monuments dating back to the 14th century. FLAG are also home to more than 200 lakes rich in fish. The gastronomy of the area is a Burgundy Snail and venison.


The main objective of the FLAG is to promote fisheries, environmentally sustainable aquaculture and work to increase employment and territorial cohesion, promote the marketing and processing of fisheries and aquaculture products, promote the tourist appeal of the area and preserve cultural heritage. The target group is the residents of the FLAG area, with highly varied professional status from fishermen, farmers, the unemployed by the entities providing all services to the owners of manufacturing and industrial enterprises, processors.