Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects

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What is RDP data management?

RDP data management concerns the rules, procedures, systems and people involved in recording, storing and transmitting data on RDP implementation and providing information for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation.

Learn more about how different actors use RDP information >>>

What tools are used for the management of RDP data?

The Evaluation Plan served as the primary starting point in the current period for the development of data management strategies in the Member State by capitalising on past experiences through the involvement of all relevant stakeholders to develop cost effective IT solutions. Furthermore, several Member States established ongoing working groups to ensure high quality data and to develop detailed monitoring manuals for the involved actors.

Get to know examples on targeted data management >>>

How can data management be tailored to the needs of the Member State?

While data management systems must be compliant with the legal requirements, it is also important to tailor them to the specific needs of the RDP. Designing an individual system, with their own indicators, has been particularly challenging in the case of monitoring the contributions of LEADER/CLLD to the RDP’s objectives.

Read factsheet on LAG operations database >>>

How can the specific data needs for impact evaluations be anticipated?

Data for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts is critical as it determines the evaluation methodologies that can be applied by the evaluators. Using modelling approaches or collecting data on nonbeneficiaries necessary for netting out RDP impacts can be costly and therefore requires careful planning. Logic models are decision tools that can help Managing Authorities to anticipate the data needs for evaluations. Anticipating these needs in advance can facilitate early agreements with relevant data providers and ensuring access to the relevant information for the purpose of evaluation.
