Cooperation Offer

Twinning Villages - sharing best practices and learning something new

Offer name: 
Twinning Villages - sharing best practices and learning something new
Expiry date: 
Offering LAG: 
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Looking to cooperate with

Type of partner: 

Active rural villages that want to create new friendships/ partnerships with other European villages and that want to find new ideas for developing their own village.

Type of area:

Project idea

Project type:
Project topic:
Additional keywords:

Village communities are often quite active. In order to maintain and increase the activity level of the village communities it is important to provide them with opportunities to develop and improve their villages. Villagers need new ideas for organising activities and events and for developing their services. One good way of doing that is by creating new transnational networks and visiting villages in other countries and learning new ways of doing things and coming up with new ideas for developing their own village.

Project idea summary: 

Twinning Villages project's aim is to provide villages with new ideas for village development by creating new partnerships and friendships between European villages, visiting other villages and sharing best practices. The best practices can be e.g. village services, environment, culture, local examples of everyday life solutions, etc. The villages get to plan the activities and themes for the visits and that way they get to learn more about the themes that they are interested in.


Objectives: New opportunities for village development, creating long-standing partnerships between European villages.

Target groups: active villages and villagers of all ages (from youngsters to seniors)