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Pilot NSU Training Programme Module 1

19th – 20th February 2013, Budapest, Hungary

The pilot NSU Training Programme kicked off with a 2 day training module hosted by the Hungarian NRN on 19-20 February 2013. The theme of the module was ‘Strategic Planning Issues for NRNs’ and a total of 34 participants joined the training from 15 network support units (plus DG Agriculture).

Preparatory Materials

  • Welcome letter and programme [PDF ]

  • Background notes on participatory discussion techniques [PDF ]

  • Some games and energisers [PDF ]


A full report of the outcomes of module 1 can be found here:

  • Notes, Observations and Outcomes from Pilot Module 1 [PDF ]


During the training, the Hungarian network support unit (NSU) gave a presentation on the complexities of engaging LAG managers for LEADER programming in 2014-2020. The presentation is available below, together with a short background note and further information on the planning of programming for 2014-2020 in Hungary.

  • Planning process for 2014-2020 programing period - Ágota Hódi, Head of Monitoring and Planning Department, Hungarian MA [PDF ]

  • Providing support for preparation of the next programming period - Csilla Páliné Keller, Co-president Hungarian NRN LEADER Section [PDF ]

  • TRANSLEADER - Csilla Páliné Keller, Co-president Hungarian NRN LEADER Section [PDF ]

Supporting Notes and Materials

'Virtual Think Tank' Method - one of the alternative participatory discussion techniques explored during this module was the 'Virtual Think Tank' method.

The Swedish Rural Network have adopted a ‘telephone think tank’ method as a routine working tool for getting quick responses and dialogue with its stakeholders on specific issues like: How can LEADER work with local food? How can we work better targeting rural youth and what are the needs? Stakeholders needs and expectations for the next programming period? Etc.

Further information can be found here. [PDF ]

The method is very structured. It uses traditional 'telephone meeting / conference' technology, but restricts the amount of participants for each scheduled meeting time to a maximum of 8, including chairman and secretary. If more participants register they organise two parallel meetings or schedule another meeting time.

Each meeting has a chairman selected prior to the meeting and a secretary, and only lasts for 1 hour. There is a predefined theme and three defined questions which all the participants get beforehand, along with some background information if required. After a presentation round the first 20 minutes of the meeting gives each participant 5 minutes to give her/his view on the three questions. The following 20 minutes are open for a general discussion and at the end there is a closure round.

One or two hours after the meeting the participants get the minutes from the meeting asking them to respond, comment and make corrections within two days. When all have answered, the final minutes are distributed and then all the minutes from the different parallel telephone meetings are summarised in a joint report. This approach minimises cost and time consumed. It has already delivered input to the MA from about 80 network representatives on the coming 2014-2020 programme, as well as feedback on environmental services, programme performance etc.

More detailed notes on organising and managing a telephone think tank follow below:

  • Instructions for Think Tank Chairman and Secretary [PDF ]

  • Template for Think Tank Secretary Report [PDF ]


Module 1 Photo Gallery

Last update: 28/03/2014 | Top