LEADER Innovation


Innovation is a cross-cutting priority of the EU’s Rural Development policy and its connection with LEADER/CLLD is reinforced by the requirement for Local Action Groups (LAGs) to take it into consideration when planning their Local Development Strategies (LDS). While EU regulations firmly place innovative aspects in the context of local development, relevant European Commission Guidance provides details on how to implement this in practice. 

This page collects information and resources on innovation in the context of LEADER/CLLD.

We welcome your suggestions. Please feel free to provide feedback by writing to leader-clld@enrd.eu.

EU Regulations

European Commission Guidance

Practical examples of LEADER innovation

Share your LEADER innovation examples: fill in this template and send it to us at leader-clld@enrd.eu.

LEADER Innovation Practitioner-led Working Group (PWG)

The LEADER Innovation Practitioner-led Working Group (PWG) run by the ENRD Contact Point examined innovation-related implementation issues and proposed practical solutions to overcome these. The group brought together a variety of delivery stakeholders from 20 EU Member States, including LAGs, Managing Authorities and National Rural Networks, to discuss innovation at both the local and delivery chain levels through online exchanges and face-to-face meetings.

The following documents summarise the conclusions and lessons learnt through the PWG work and offer a dissemination/presentation tool for use by national stakeholders.


Disclaimer: the information and documents presented here do not reflect the official position of the European Commission.