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Szczegółowe dane dotyczące oferty współpracy


Artistic creation inspired from the area’s First World War heritage
Artistic creation inspired from the area’s First World War heritage or any proposition regarding services to the population or awareness of the population to local heritage.
Cooperation on the topic of artistic creation and the First World War could emerge in parallel with the current construction of a patrimonial site dedicated to Wilfred Owen, great English poet who died in Pays du Cambresis during the First World War.
Sharing and networking of places of memory dedicated to the World War I. and its cultural impact.
LAGs form any EU Member States
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, France, Lithuania, Latvia

 Dane do kontaktu w razie zainteresowania niniejszą ofertą: Cambrésis - FX VILLAIN