The WAB, a rural high school for digital transition

LEADER support helped establish a web school for local businesses providing them with the tools to better organise their work and market their services and products.

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Project summary: 

Existing training for local businesses offered by local authorities in the area of Dordogne, France, did not focus enough on digital aspects. In 2016, a new social enterprise was created to help change this. The social enterprise called the Wab,  aimed to boost digital use among small rural businesses and has the wider ambition to install a digital city in Bergerac. The ‘Wab’ is designed to boost the use of digital tools among small rural businesses in the area. It is a ‘web school’ that teaches local businesses to design effective strategies that incorporate digital aspects in organising work, communication and marketing.

Project results: 

48 local business managers attended a 4 day (28 hours) crash course on digital tools for business development.

A free, confidential and personalised report was delivered to 120 small rural businesses in the LEADER area, providing them with a comprehensive analysis of their digital status, including recommendations for digital business development.