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LEADER event 2013 'Building bridges for the future' Closing video
17-18 April 2013

Place: Brussels, BelgiumCategory: ENRD

Tags: ENRD, LAG, MAs, PAs

The video was played during the closing plenary of the LEADER 2013 event. It gathers clips illustrating some of the best moments of the event and from the video booth where participants recorded their messages articulating their expectations and frustrations.

"Images of Rural Europe" photo competition
2 July 2012

Place: Brussels, BelgiumCategory: ENRD

Tags: photo competition, DG AGRI, LAG, LEADER, DG AGRI, NRN

The "Images of Rural Europe" photo competition was organised by the European Network for Rural Development, in collaboration with National Rural Networks & Local Action Groups across Europe. The objective was to celebrate the beauty and diversity of rural Europe today. The response to Images of Rural Europe was overwhelming: More than 1 700 photos were submitted through Local Action Groups, who encouraged both amateur and professional photographers across the EU to share images that encapsulate life in their communities. You can view all entries to the competition at

"LEADER forward" - the LEADER approach to rural development

Place: EU-wideCategory: ENRD

Tags: LEADER, policy, DG AGRI, LAG, CLLD

As the rural development community enters into discussions on the contours of the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) approach and potential multi-fund financing for the next programming period (2014-2020), it is more important than ever to remind ourselves of what LEADER is about and share this with people new to the approach. "LEADER forward" highlights the essence of LEADER, features testimonials from the field and calls for policy makers and other stakeholders to work together on the implementation of LEADER projects from the bottom up.

The Principles of LEADER

Place: EU-wideCategory: ENRD

Tags: LEADER, community, development, EU, LAGs

The LEADER Programme is designed to support local businesses, farmers, foresters, community groups, those involved in tourism and a range of rural enterprises. LEADER is the acronym for « Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Economie Rurale ». This approach to rural development thus seeks to engage local communities, to build connections between stakeholders and effectuate positive change from the bottom up. This video explores the principles that define the LEADER approach.

LEADER event 2013 'Building bridges for the future' Intro video
17-18 April 2013

Place: Brussels, BelgiumCategory: ENRD


The video was displayed in the opening of the LEADER 2013 event 'Building bridges for the future' and it tackles some of the common difficulties interfering in the communication between Local action groups, Managing authorities and Paying agencies at the Member state level.

Introducing the European Network for Rural Development

Place: EU-wideCategory: ENRD

Tags: DG AGRI, European Commission, EU, RDPs, rural development

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) was set up by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development in 2008, to help Member States implement their Rural Development Programs (RDPs) in an efficient manner. The ENRD serves as a platform for the sharing of ideas and experiences on how rural development policies are working in practice and how they can be improved, in all Member States. Its main stakeholders include National Rural Networks (NRNs), Member State Authorities, LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) and rural development organisations with an EU perspective.