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LEADER 2012_Common Cranes, a bond for Europe.
The project's idea is working on Cranes' migrations with other European countries. Two topics for thought have came up from the working group Grus Gascogna (Landes de Gascogne) :  A scientific cooperation to learn more and better the specie's biology.  Common Cranes, an element for touristy development.
Few years ago, people who worked on Common Cranes in Landes de Gascogne decided to create a working group, named Grus Gascogna, in order to have time to impulse and discuss the projects around Cranes. Each actor has already relation with European partners, but the will today is to formalize these links by a cooperation project and different actions led together.
Unidentified yet (restitution and sharing scientific knowledges + experiences sharing).
France (LAG Rives de Marne en Champagne) Sweden (LAG Västra Skaraborg and Ostra Skaraborg) Germany (LAG Nordvorpommern)
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia

 Dane do kontaktu w razie zainteresowania niniejszą ofertą: Pays des Landes de Gascogne - JULIETTE BROUAT