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Along Birds' Routes
These are the keywords of this TNC Project proposal are: People, Tourism, Culture, Nature, Biodiversity. The project provides an opportunity to build territorial cohesion accross Europe, along birds' routes. More information on:
Migratory birds are the best „ambassadors” of our planet. They commute autumn and spring between North Europe and remote Africa. Now we shall go and follow these birds on their routes, fly over regions and old borders, meet people in the grand European family, admire their lifestyle, enjoy their hospitality, culture and gastronomy. The Coordinator of this project comes from a small village of North Hungary. LAG Cserhatalja consists of 26 settlements with 34,500 inhabitants.
-Joining Festivals: to promote culture& to build community cohesion; project thematical meetings will be organised in parallel; -Tourism&Gastronomy: to pay attention to the preservation& utilisation of plant& animal genetic resources; to make inventory of indigenous breeds; promote in-situ conservation& assits in the introduction of local products &rural gastronomy. -Art Exchange: to introduce their rural art& handicraft treasures, organise joint art training for youth. -Joint website
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Culture, Nature/environment/land management, Tourism

 Dane do kontaktu w razie zainteresowania niniejszą ofertą: Cserhátalja LEADER Nonprofit Kft. - JÓZSEF KODÁK