Subsidiary school - a driving force for local development

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A LEADER project tackled the limited possibilities of children in the peripheral part of the capital city of Ljubljana to engage in free-time activities.

Project summary: 

Most villages around Ljubljana experienced growth of population in recent years. The project tackled the limited possibilities of the children in the peripheral part of the capital city of Ljubljana to engage in free-time activities. 3 primary schools with its 10 subsidiary schools cooperated in a wide range of creative activities. Key activities organised included organising creative workshops to give the opportunity to children to explore local history, traditional crafts and customs, nature and tourism; eco workshops focused on re-using waste materials, inter-school visits, etc.

Project results: 

1 049 children were involved in project activities; from 60 in year 2009 to 300 in 2014;

67 teachers and 22 technical staff worked in the project voluntarily;

106 local actors and 16 associations participated in the activities;

209 eco workshops were implemented, 35 promotional events, 13 visits organised between the subsidiary schools, 3 presentations in the capital city, 6 annual events, 6 games without borders, etc.