National Rural Networks’ support to the evaluation of RDPs

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The Good Practice Workshop co-organised by the Evaluation Helpdesk and the Evaluation and Institutional Support Unit / National Rural Network and Publicity Unit of the Greek Managing Authority - Ministry of Rural Development and Food.National Rural Networks’ support to the evaluation of RDPs  took place on 30 November - 1 December, 2017 in Athens, Greece.

Thematic Focus:

The aim of the workshop was to provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of experiences from throughout the Member States on how NRNs can support the evaluation of RDPs. This workshop brought together NRNs, Managing Authorities, and evaluators in order to:

  • Explore the possible activities of NRNs in supporting the evaluation of RDPs throughout the evaluation cycle: planning and preparing (e.g. facilitating discussion on indicators for LAGs), structuring (e.g. participating in data screening), conducting (e.g. data collection), reporting and follow up (e.g. facilitation dissemination and communication of evaluation findings);
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of experiences on how NRNs can support building evaluation capacities and raising awareness on evaluation; 
  • Discuss challenges and develop recommendations for better usage of NRN resources for supporting the RDP evaluation.

Background documents:


Poster from the Evaluation Market of Experiences:​

Read the Summary Report!

GPW 6 Group