Modernisation of a pig farm in Croatia

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Investing in new machinery and equipment to allow increase the productivity of a pig farm.

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Project summary: 

In August 2015, a family farm owner decided to increase his pig production by purchasing 100 suckling sows in order to focus on pig meat production. The farmer aimed to produce himself the crops needed for livestock feed, and for this reason he also expanded the areas cultivated for crops.

In this context, support from the rural development programme contributed to in purchasing new agricultural machinery and equipment, including a tractor, a front loader and a new vehicle for the transportation of the animals.

Project results: 
  • Thanks to the investment, the farm achieved its own production of animal feed as well as the easier, safer and faster transportation of fattened pigs to customers with the vehicle.
  • Carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere were reduced due to reduced fuel consumption.
  • One new job was created.