Cooperation Offer

A comparative survey: revitalising town centers

Offer name: 
A comparative survey: revitalising town centers
Expiry date: 
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Project idea

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Project topic:

Revitalizing town centers is a major concern in French rural areas. This reality affects many sectors: closed shops, vacant housing… Many topics are involved in this situation: retail, mobility, housing, public community space, citizenship, public services, smart villages, accessibility for disabled, elderly persons…

But is the need to revitalize town center a European concern or a French issue?
Some might say it is a French only feature. In comparison with Germany:
• In France, 70 % of the retail sales turnover is generated in city outskirts versus 30 % in Germany,
• Every year, France uses for urbanization twice of agricultural lands than Germany.

How such differences could be explained? Can we transfer good practices from one country to another?

Project idea summary: 

The aim would be to seek the participation of the elected representatives and the citizens of two cities in order to « study » each other (maybe using twinned cities and committees). By adding the works of different cities twosomes, the project would “cover” a few countries.


Comparative survey by cross-exchanges, good practices and knowledge transfer, transferable actions