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Dane dotyczące LGD

United Kingdom
Outer Hebrides
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Sandwick Road
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
+44 (0) 1851 705349
+ 44 (0) 845 600 7090
Gaelic, English
The Outer Hebrides LEADER programme provides support a group of islands of the north west of Scotland. It promotes measures that address the peripherality of the area including information and communication technology initiatives and those that encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in communities whilst also stimulating employment opportunities through assisting community and social enterprises. The Gaelic language and culture are imperative to the economic and social well-being of the islands with Gaelic being widely spoken throughout LEADER in the Outer Hebrides. The LAG is an innovative economic catalyst for sustainable community projects and continues to encourage and showcase communities working together to produce benefits for all.
After public consultation the overall strategic aim of the Outer Hebrides LEADER Programme is to REVITALISE COMMUNITIES by addressing the specific issues of: geographical handicap, remoteness and peripherality (ICT initiatives); economic fragility and job creation; population decline, out-migration of young people and women; inadequate community infrastructure and facilities; Gaelic language and culture; a sustainable natural environment; and Social inclusion
An Taobh Sair agus Nis, Barraigh, Bhatarsaigh, Erisgeigh agus Uibhist a Deas, Beinn na Foghla agus Uibhist a Tuath, Loch a Tuath, Na Hearadh agus Ceann a Deas nan Loch, Sgir'Uige agus Ceann a Tuath nan Loch, Sgire an Rubha, Steornabhagh a Deas, Steornabhagh a Tuath