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The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA)

Summary: The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) provides a range of information, material and opportunities for information exchange on subjects including pests, food, human health, environmental protection, agriculture today, pesticide use and regulatory affairs.

Overall purpose: ECPA acts as the ambassador of the crop protection industry in Europe and represents the industry's European regional network. It promotes modern agricultural technology in the context of sustainable development, one which protects the health of humans and the environment. The ECPA advocates EU policies and legislation that uphold a science and risk-based approach, fostering innovation and operating in a predictable and proportionate way.

Results and recommendations: A range of information, material and opportunities for information exchange is accessible through the ECPA website. An example of available material is 'Pollinators and Agriculture', a publication examining the diversity and function of insect pollinators, describing the value of pollination to agriculture, examining trends in pollinator population decline and options for reversing these trends. Partners in the publication are the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), the European Landowners Organisation (ELO), E-Sycon and RIFCON GmbH.


Contact details:
ECPA | European Crop Protection Association
Aisbl 6, Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse
B-1160 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 2 663 15 50
Fax: +32 2 663 15 60