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Competition “Prima Plattelandsproject 2013”

Tool category
& type


  • Competition and Prizes
  • Keyword(s)

    Communications, Competition, Cooperation, Information


    In 2010, the Flemish NRN organised a competition to identify, collect and highlight good practice in 4 rural development themes in Flanders. This was very successful, so a further competition was organised in 2013 with the overarching theme of “sustainability”. Organising such a competition requires a lot of preparation - standard forms, regulations and awareness raising materials to encourage participation have to be developed and distributed. 57 applications were received which all had to be checked for admissibility, with 6 being rejected as they did not meet the conditions. The provincial juries then chose which examples should continue to the next round with up to 3 projects per theme allowed from each province. Another jury, made up from the Managing Authority, selected the 5 best candidates for each theme giving 15 projects over 3 themes. All this information was published on a public website, where people could vote for their favourite projects.

    & RDP Region(s)


  • [BE] Flanders
  • Main purpose

    One of the aims of the Flemish Rural Network is identifying and analyzing transferable good practices; another is to stimulate cooperation. That’s why the Network organised a second edition of this competition: the search for best practices examples in rural development in Flanders. There were three themes: “sustainable development at a company or regional level”, “sustainable management of open space” and “sustainable social involvement”. The purpose of this competition was to enhance knowledge exchange and highlight good practices in Flanders. The winners were honoured during an event in Brussels on 7 November 2013. They received a plaque and got the opportunity to organise an activity focused on knowledge exchange up to a maximum of 1 000 euros. Because of the success of this competition an English brochure will also be created with the winners and the other best practices. All of the candidates can be seen as valid good examples that can be spread over Europe!

    Target audience

    EAFRD Beneficiaries:

  • Farmers
  • Other rural businesses
  • Other EAFRD Beneficiaries
  • Technical information

    The creation of the online tool for voting was made by an internal IT-specialist.

    Date produced

    From January 2013 - ongoing

    Cost range

    €10 000 to €24 999



    Distribution & Promotion

    Brochures and posters were widely distributed in Flanders and promoted online.

    Assessment of effectiveness

    The three winners won 1 000 euros each to use for organising activities focused on knowledge exchange, for example attending interesting events and training courses. All the previous winners mentioned that winning this competition resulted in greater awareness of their projects. There were almost 4 000 valid votes, which demonstrates a high level of interest from the general public. The Flemish Rural Network also took advantage of this competition, receiving a lot of positive publicity.

    Name of organisation

    Flemish NRN

    Type of

    National Rural Network


    Name of contact person

    Ariane Van Den Steen


    Vlaamse overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij
    Afdeling Organisatie en Strategisch Beleid
    Ellipsgebouw, 5e verdieping
    Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 40
    1030 Brussel


    02 552 77 39