How to demonstrate RDP achievements and impacts: lessons learned from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019

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The Good Practice Workshop organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development, '‘How to demonstrate RDP achievements and impacts: lessons learned from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019’', took place on 11-12 December, 2019 in Seville, Spain.

Thematic Focus

The purpose of this Good Practice Workshop is to examine the experiences from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019 and draw lessons learned for the ex post. This workshop will further serve to:

  • Provide a forum to discuss and learn lessons from the evaluations in 2019.
  • Exchange experience and good practices on the practical approaches (methods, indicators, data).
  • Identify challenges and needs for further support for Managing Authorities and evaluators.

Background documents:



Read the Summary Report Now!