Assessing Environmental Effects of Rural Development Programmes: Practical solutions for the ex post evaluation 2007-2013

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The first Good Practice Workshop co-organised by The Evaluation Helpdesk, Baltic Environmental Forum and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, Assessing Environmental Effect of Rural Development Programmes: Practical solutions for the ex post evaluation 2007-2013”, took place on October 27-28, 2015 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Thematic Focus:

The aim of the workshop was to facilitate an exchange between Member States with regard to their practical challenges in assessing RDP’s environmental results and impacts in the context of the ex post evaluation. New research experiences (e.g. from the FP7-project Envieval) provided methodological inputs and practical case studies to exemplify potential solutions.

This event was well attended by 60 participants including, members of the European Commission, Managing Authorities, evaluators, and academics representing sixteen member states.

Background documents:

  • Agenda                                                                                                            


    Environmental Effects GPW, Vilnius, Lithuania