Cooperation Offer

Valorization and marketing of local and artisanal products

Offer name: 
Valorization and marketing of local and artisanal products
Expiry date: 
Offering LAG: 

Looking to cooperate with

Type of area:

Project idea

Project type:
Project topic:
Additional keywords:

We note the existence of many local and artisanal products with a strong territorial link and a real potential for economic development.
However, entrepreneurs are mainly engaged in production at the expense of the promotion and marketing of their products.
It implies a deficiency of visibility for local products and seclusion of entrepreneurs.

Project idea summary: 

The cooperation project concerns the 3 LAG territories of Martinique, French island of nearly 370 000 inhabitants located in the French West Indies.

The proposed action intends supporting the reflection and the implementation of innovative concepts of marketing local products and crafts for small units.
The aim is to improve the marketing of products and expand the customer base (local, external and tourism) in a context in which the entrepreneur is mainly engaged in production.

Potential target : very small companies
Potential deliverables :
- Creation of a toolbox for methods of development support
- Communication tools (application, website)
- Setting up an event


Aim of the 3 territories of Martinique :
- Promote actors networking
- Improve local products visibility
- Increase territorial attractiveness

Aim of the project of cooperation :
- Improve actors knowledge and competence
- Exchange and share good practices
- Develop innovative marketing methods
- Enhance actors interest in collective approaches
- Foster links with other territories