ERDP 2014-2020 Priorities 4 and 5; Evaluation report for Priority 3 Animal Welfare Action and Priority 2 Stonewall Restoration

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  2. English
Publication date: 
June, 2019

The report gives an overview of the measures related to Priorities 4 and 5 of the Estonian Rural Development Plan 2014-2020; The evaluation of the 'Animal Welfare' and Priority 2 'Stonewall' activities carried out.

The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the progress of the development plan in relation to its objectives, using results and, if necessary impact indicators; make suggestions for improvements of the development plan and thereby increase the quality of the implementation of grants.

  • The first chapter of the report provides an overview of the legal framework for evaluation, the implementation of measures, evaluation activities and evaluation notification.
  • The second chapter describes the agricultural land use of the area covered by area payments, including
    • separate nitrate sensitive area and land use of river basins.
  • The third chapter focuses on the details of the analysis of the measures.