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Why Cooperate?

‘Soft benefits’ of cooperation

A number of ‘softer’, often intangible, benefits can also be gained from cooperation work, such as:

  • Broadening people’s mind by considering differences as a source for enrichment and ideas
    Working with a transnational partner offers the potential to discover new or other points of view and to be aware of different peoples’ visions.

  • Acquisition of new skills
    Implementing a TNC project often involves gaining new know-how about specific development methodologies or techniques. They also usually involve learning new language skills. Cooperation actions can therefore represent effective capacity building approaches for rural stakeholders.

  • Developing European citizenship and sense of identity

    A TNC project can provide an opportunity for raising awareness about the EU’s actions and European citizenship among the local population. It is a way to identify and present the local area’s place within Europe. Map of European LAGs [ Tool under construction ]
































Benefits of Transnational Cooperation, Broadening people’s mind

Hans-Olof Stålgren,
Swedish National Rural Network


Benefits of Transnational Cooperation, Gaining new know how

Juha-Matti Markkola,
Finnish National Rural Network


Gaining new know how

Judit Rácz, LAG Felso-Homokhátság Vidékfejlesztési Egyesület, Hungary


Benefits of Transnational Cooperation

Tom Burson, LAG
Northumberland Uplands, United Kingdom

Map of European LAGs [ Tool under construction ]

Benefits of Transnational Cooperation, European dimension

Hans-Olof Stålgren,
Swedish National Rural Network

Last update: 27/11/2012 | Top