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TNC Follow-up

Dissemination of TNC project results and capitalising on TNC publicity

Communication – how to achieve publicity for a TNC project

All actions co-financed by European Commission funds have to be publicised. Communication is crucial in this public awareness raising process for:

  • stimulating interest in TNC opportunities among local actors and potential future TNC project developers/participants;
  • contributing to opening up the dominant way of thinking in a territory and ‘broadening
  • horizons’ by introducing new ideas gained during transnational relationships;
  • sharing experiences, thus disseminating good practices to the other rural areas in Europe; and
  • raising awareness about the potential that Europe offers, thus establishing a concrete vision of European action.
Target group What Which tools When
Beneficiaries To raise awareness about EU co-financing obtained. Visibility methods employed include standard reference displayed on project documentation, P/R materials (including educational resources) and putting up EU flags during project presentations and project events. Throughout project implementation and particularly when actions involve beneficiaries.
Potential beneficiaries To draw attention to the wide range of potential topics that can be addressed by TNC projects. P/R materials including:
  • Project Fact Sheet
  • Project Video
  • Press Articles
  • Information meetings involving cooperation operators (testimonies)
Throughout project implementation.
Elected representatives To increase interest in TNC: what is the added-value for their territory?
  • Information meetings with testimonies of elected people involved in TNC projects
  • Project Video
At the beginning and after key milestones, as well at the end of the project.
Press/media To promote TNC by means of a concrete project example To highlight the European dimension.
  • Project Fact Sheet
  • Project Video
  • Press Articles
When the project has achieved first tangible results.
During an important stage of TNC project implementation (event…).
General public To raise visibility of the European involvement in the development of rural areas.
  • Visibility techniques include standard reference displayed on project documentation, P/R materials (including educational resources) and putting up EU flags during project presentations and project events.
  • Project flyer
  • Project Videos
  • Press Articles
At the beginning and after key milestones, as well at the end of the project.

See here for links to various EU logos and the EU communication requirements for TNC projects.


  • You should anticipate the monitoring and evaluation mechanism: it all needs to start when you are writing your project application;
  • Foresee a communication plan in your application form: which target groups, which aims and what tools/actions/timing?
  • Keep your TNC project factsheet short, though understandable and precise;
  • Adapt messages for dissemination to the target group.

TNC and communications

Interview with Barbara Loferer-Lainer
Hohe Salve LAG, Austria

A useful selection of EU guidance and advice about communication tools for EU projects is available from the European Commission’s LIFE Programme. These information tools are produced for environmental projects but their generic content remains highly relevant for a wide range of TNC project types. They includes practical tips in a series of Factsheets covering topics such as:

Last update: 27/11/2012 | Top