RDP Monitoring Indicator Tables 2007-2013

In the 2007-2013 programming period, the Managing Authority and Monitoring Committee in every Member State (MS) monitored each Rural Development Programme (RDP) by means of financial, output and results indicators.

Each Managing Authority sent the Commission an Annual Progress Report, by 30 June each year, on the implementation of the Programme for the previous calendar year. The Annual Progress Reports included:

  • a table showing the financial implementation of the Programme, providing for each measure a statement of the funds paid to beneficiaries during the calendar year (based on financial data generated by DG AGRI)
  • monitoring tables which include quantitative information based on common output and results indicators.

The Commission recorded all monitoring data within a Rural Development Information System (RDIS). The ENRD contributed to validating the monitoring indicators and producing summary elaborations showing the state of the implementation of the RDPs at EU-27 level.

Financial and physical indicators per MS

Output indicators per measure






  • programmed expenditures 2007-2013: RDP budget allocation following Health Check revision, (January 2015);
  • realised expenditures 2007-2014: DG AGRI.