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TNC Follow-up

Monitoring and Evaluation


Monitoring is a management tool. It refers to a process of measuring progress against the project monitoring indicators that were agreed at the project start. Monitoring indicators can measure both quantitative and qualitative information and it is essential that all partners use consistent monitoring methodologies (including common indicator definitions).

Monitoring is normally carried out internally by project partners and should occur regularly. The frequency for measuring progress, via the indicators, should also be agreed in advance by all partners. Information gathered from the monitoring helps identify if the project is on track to achieve its objectives.

Monitoring can confirm that a project is proceeding to plan or provide an early warning that performance is not as expected.

Be aware!

It is important that the monitoring indicators selected are SMART, meaning:

  • Specific: what exactly will be measured, in which geographical area, by what unit(s)?
  • Measurable: for the project to be in a position to collect information and data, what are the initial (so-called: baseline) figures?
  • Achievable: what changes are anticipated as a result of the project? Are they realistic?
  • Relevant: will the indicators measure all of the project’s key activities?
  • Timed: when something should happen? In which period?
Last update: 27/11/2012 | Top