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Evaluation processes > mid-term evaluation > reports

The Member States submitted their mid-term evaluation reports to the European Commission by 31 December 2010. Desk Officers at the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development assessed the quality of these reports on the basis on an Assessment Tool which was developed by the Evaluation Helpdesk.

The Assessment Tool focussed on

  1. Structure of the mid-term evaluation report: Is the MTE report complete and structured in a clear way? Does the report describe the Rural Development Programme, its context and the evaluation process in an understandable way?
  2. Methodology applied: Is the methodology robust enough to answer the Common Evaluation Questions and does it apply to the Common Indicators outlined in the CMEF?
  3. Assessment of programme performance and achievements: Have the main results achieved from the projects and measures funded under the different axes of the RDP been properly examined?
  4. Assessment of impacts of the programme: Have the overall impacts of the RDP been adequately assessed?
  5. Conclusions and recommendations: Are the conclusions valid and recommendations useful?

The European Commission will provide the Member States with feedback on the findings in the second half of 2011. Furthermore, the information gathered during the assessment work will be used in the development of the post-2013 rural development framework, in particular the monitoring and evaluation system.

The mid-term evaluation reports of all Rural Development Programmes for the EU-27 have now been published, you can find the links on the Country Files page.

Last update: 07/01/2014 | Top